The Inspire Academy adapts to the demands of each student. Our trainings are elaborated by and for you so that they correspond perfectly to you. Thus, we can help you to understand a language through a specific sector of activity, a particular theme or a vocabulary specific to situations of your daily professional and / or personal. Our major ambition is your personal development and self-esteem. The Inspire Academy is all about teaching in a pleasant and positive atmosphere. Sharing and closeness with students are indispensable to us.

Would you like to learn French while at the same time getting used to the Basque culture? Come and join The Inspire Academy and have a unique and memorable experience! 


Our pedagogical model is based on learning a language while living rewarding experiences. The language is thus associated with a positive event and the learning process is greatly facilitated. In order to vary the pleasures, the academy proposes to its students to choose among several activities to realize during their hours of lessons, in the language studied. The goal is to propose activities where the student will be able to let off steam, surpass themselves, deploy his creativity, his ideas, his talents and acquire more autonomy and self-confidence.