There are two sides to The Inspire Academy. Both are created for people to develop skills that will enable them to be happier and more successful in life while strengthening their communication skills in English.
One is the professional side. Providing training geared to helping people be more confident and have skills vital to their everyday working life, like Sales and Negotiation, Presenting, Cross cultural communication, Team Building, and International Dinning Etiquette.
The other is the personal side where people discover their potential, strengthen their self worth, develop overall motivation and confidence to pursue their dreams, and develop a healthy love for themselves and others so that they can have a better quality of life overall. Both sides of the Academy are incorporated through sessions using a method called ”Anglais Coaching’.
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Why learn these skills in English?
Whether the goal is to work locally for a company that deals with people on an international level, travel for pleasure, or study abroad, English is vital to ones level of growth and opportunities. But its not just the language that is important.
The programs offered create an atmosphere where participants feel good and have fun while they learn. The only way the art of language or any other skill for that matter can be attained is by enveloping ones self in meaningful experiences. It’s important that people feel good and that is why the programs offered always take place in a positive learning environment where people are encouraged, have the freedom to be themselves, say what they want and how they feel without judgement.