Online Booking

Individual Courses

Individual English Courses

Progress at your own pace with a personel coach who go with throughout of tailor made training.



Individual Spanish Courses

Progress at your own pace with a personel coach who go with throughout of tailor made training.



Individual French Courses

Progress at your own pace with a personel coach who go with throughout of tailor made training.



Online Booking

Group Courses

Group English Courses

Based on interactivity between students, group courses representa real moment of sharing and conviviality. Number maximun : 8.

Time : 1h30
Begineer : Tuesday
Intermediate : Thursday

Group Spanish Courses

Based on interactivity between students, group courses representa real moment of sharing and conviviality. Number maximun : 8.

Time : 1h30
Begineer : Monday
Intermediate : Wednesday

Group French Courses

Based on interactivity between students, group courses representa real moment of sharing and conviviality. Number maximun : 8.

Time : 1h30

For question concerning the price, payement in instalment or modification on request, you can conctact us
Email  :
Phone: +33 5 40 07 55 12